
How The Planned Parenthood Videos Have Brought Life To My Son

Marshall's memory box

Anyone who's seen anything in the news lately, knows the horrible story of Planned Parenthood, not only aborting human fetuses in their clinics, but selling off their body parts to the highest bidder.

Apparently, this barbaric practice is done at any stage in fetal development to which they can gain access, however, many of the still photos I've seen splashed across the web involve as late as second trimester babies. This situation has me reliving the death of my son over and over through my social media news feeds.


In The Wake Of Recent Tragedy, Mental Health Reform Is A Must

Like many, I imagine, I've had a hard time reconciling the death of Labor Commissioner Mark Costello, because the sadness strikes on so many levels

Though it seems incalculable to ruminate on them all, one I hope will come to the forefront as a result of this tragedy, is the unbelievable hardship it has become to seek help for those with mental instability - a situation to which I've had a bit of exposure on both sides of the fence.


The Selfie Generation And Proverbs 16:27

Best Computer Science Schools
(http://cdn.complete-health-and-happiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/selfie-syndrome.png )


Where Does Your Child's World View Originate? Is It Public School?

Just so you know, I'm not the child who will criticize her own parents. Though, over the years I've seen many a disgruntled child lay waste to their parents over the way they were raised (their parents were mean, they didn't give them enough money, they didn't let them go enough places or provide for them the way they wanted), that won't be me.


"Beware, a storm is coming", signed SCOTUS

This is a still from the end scene of the first Terminator movie. Sarah Conner has just been told that machines will rise to prominence and begin subjugating and killing all humans. As she drives toward the mountains of Mexico where she must hide for safety, a storm rolls in - a fitting allegory for her future.