
Oklahoma Senators Lankford and Inhofe Were Not Censured By The OKGOP - What Now For The Party Faithful?

As many know, I'm fond of making lists of my thoughts.  Here is my thought-list about the lack of Censure for our Senators following the January 6th electoral college certification vote.

1.  The Resolution brought to a vote before the State GOP Committee 7/17/21 was neither linked, nor described in the Oklahoman article of 7/17/21. 

The Resolution brought to the Committee called for not only Censure of both Senators, but their resignation as well.  Make no mistake.  I WOULD NOT HAVE VOTED FOR THIS RESOLUTION had I been on the Committee.  The Republican Party has Platform Principles and among those are the right to Individual Liberty and Election Integrity – why support either concept if the Party is willing to override the votes of individual citizens and interfere in the election process to publicly upbraid elected officials?

2.  Both Senators should have been given a written Censure by the Committee.  Having been present in DC on the 6th, what I saw left me confused, angry and terrified by what has become of our country.  For sitting Senators not to understand the magnitude of what happened on that day indicates to me that both live in the ‘DC Bubble’ and understand neither the direction of our country nor the hearts of their constituency.  While it’s up to the electorate to determine their fate as elected officials, a public letter of Censure for violation of the Platform principles of Individual Liberty and Voter Integrity would have been the best course of action.  That course was not offered, however, so voters must take their concerns to the ballot box November 2022.

3.  Every elected official should be counted on to uphold the Oklahoma Republican Party Principles.  Those who do not should be appropriately educated on how to uphold those Principles.  Those who choose not to uphold the Principles moving forward should be primaried and those willing to follow the Principles elected in their stead.  Membership in the GOP is voluntary.  Those who believe Party Principles to be too stringent should be given a generous and warm send off and their path to exit the party unobstructed.

4.  This article takes the opportunity to once again reiterate the propaganda that the November 2020 Presidential election was pristine and echoed the will of the voters.  For those who cannot read and digest independent news sources well enough to understand that both ARIZONA AND GEORGIA have uncovered massive voter fraud in last year’s election, an immediate switch to another Party should be forthcoming.  Fortunately, Oklahoma has a designation of “Independent” - indicating that the voter aligns with no Party.  Again, the Republican Party has Platform Principles written by its members and membership is voluntary.  Join – or don’t – based upon those Principles.

5.  At this point in history nearly every institution in America has been taken over to some extent byMarxists.  From private companies to the Americanmilitary, Marxists are assuming power over our every day lives at an alarming rate.  Those who truly love America and the ideals set forth in the Constitution – which apply to everyone regardless of their race or sex – must be prepared to act to protect their country.  Those interested in the elitist ideal of power should be allowed no quarter in a Party which declares Individual Liberty and the Constitution as core Principles.  Though the Resolution brought to the State GOP Committee failed, THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN ITS PRINCIPLES SHOULD IMMEDIATELY BEGIN TO WORK TOGETHER to assist those willing to serve us in elected offices who will uphold our Principles and help return our Country to its original ideals.  Left unchecked, continued disharmony among a few inside the Party will result in ruination for all.

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